Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How To Write Eye Catching Ads

Here are some methods that have worked for me and helped me generate 2 - 3 sign ups a day!

1) Domain Name - There are so many ways to promote your business. If you have an appealing domain name, it not only expands the amount of marketing methods you can use, but can in a second sell in your story/product.

2) Your ad Title needs to catch the eye - Try this. Peruse the different free classifieds ad sites like backpage.com and craigslist.com. Which ads catch your attention? Is it the wording? Is it the graphics? Is it the BIG LETTER CAPS? Whatever it is, if it caught your eye, use it and it will catch others.

3) Use the Right Words - Another way to catch the eye on ad titles is to speak to those who are looking for a home business. Yes, many ads now say, "Make $127,000 in five days!" or "Make Unlimited Income!" - and that's what you will be competing against. But why not try to speak to what's stopping some from joining a business?:

They're thinking: "Too Expensive" - Your title can say, "Low Cost"

They're thinking: "Too Hard" - Your title can say, "Easy Business, Easy Sign Ups"

They're thinking: "Who would want this product" - Your title can say, "Everyone NEEDS This!"

They're thinking: "When will I recoup my investment?" - Your title can say, "FREE after just TWO sign ups"

They're thinking: "I don't want to spend anything yet" - Your title can say, "Low Cost - Free 14 Day Trial, no credit card needed!" or "Try FREE Before you join!"

They're thinking: "What if I want to Quit" - Your title can say, "Easy to Cancel"

With all the "Make Money" Ads out there, appeal to what they're looking for and their concerns and you'll grow! Look for what's unique about your business and speak to it in creative and action motivated ways.


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