Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How To Write Eye Catching Ads

Here are some methods that have worked for me and helped me generate 2 - 3 sign ups a day!

1) Domain Name - There are so many ways to promote your business. If you have an appealing domain name, it not only expands the amount of marketing methods you can use, but can in a second sell in your story/product.

2) Your ad Title needs to catch the eye - Try this. Peruse the different free classifieds ad sites like backpage.com and craigslist.com. Which ads catch your attention? Is it the wording? Is it the graphics? Is it the BIG LETTER CAPS? Whatever it is, if it caught your eye, use it and it will catch others.

3) Use the Right Words - Another way to catch the eye on ad titles is to speak to those who are looking for a home business. Yes, many ads now say, "Make $127,000 in five days!" or "Make Unlimited Income!" - and that's what you will be competing against. But why not try to speak to what's stopping some from joining a business?:

They're thinking: "Too Expensive" - Your title can say, "Low Cost"

They're thinking: "Too Hard" - Your title can say, "Easy Business, Easy Sign Ups"

They're thinking: "Who would want this product" - Your title can say, "Everyone NEEDS This!"

They're thinking: "When will I recoup my investment?" - Your title can say, "FREE after just TWO sign ups"

They're thinking: "I don't want to spend anything yet" - Your title can say, "Low Cost - Free 14 Day Trial, no credit card needed!" or "Try FREE Before you join!"

They're thinking: "What if I want to Quit" - Your title can say, "Easy to Cancel"

With all the "Make Money" Ads out there, appeal to what they're looking for and their concerns and you'll grow! Look for what's unique about your business and speak to it in creative and action motivated ways.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Where to Post Your Classified Ads

There are so places to promote this business:

Where To Post - With classified ads there is a tendency to want to post in the most popular cities. Yes, there's a potential of having more people clicking your ad, but the shelf life of popular cities is short. If you post an ad now in a popular city within a few hours that ad will be at the bottom of the page if not on the next page. So I post in cities that are not TOO popular. This way my ad stays on the first page for a longer time.

Here are some sites that work for me in order of effectiveness:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

How To Hide Your Affiliate URL and Why

The invention of affiliate marketing opportunities have been a boon for online marketers. And it's a win/win for both parties: The Publisher gets a bunch of salesmen hocking their sites and products and the Affiliates, free of charge, can get text and banners to enhance the look of their site - and make a profit.

But using banners and alt text links works great on a website. But how can you put it on a flyer? What about putting the code on a business card? How would this look: http://www.company/56673/joe12?=56778 on a business card or flyer? Imagine orally sharing such a complicated URL with others.

So, how can we hide an affiliate URL? There are short URL websites that can shrink your URL so it won't be too long. But putting these tiny URLs into your marketing doesn't look professional. The best way to hide your URL is to get a domain. A domain like, www.greatproduct.com looks better than the earlier mentioned affiliate URL. I get mine from Godaddy.com - only $10/Year.

How To Post Unlimited Ads On Backpage.com

One of the ways that's working for me as I generate sign ups to http://www.fillerups.com/ is the use of carefully worded ads on http://www.backpage.com/. Backpage.com is a popular free classifieds site that recently announced that they were approaching a billion page visits. For advertisers, backpage has an advantage over http://www.craigslist.com/: You don't have to register with them before you post an ad. But how can we use this to our advantage and how can we post unlimited ads?

Backpage does have restrictions. You can't post into areas your ad shouldn't be in and you can't post the same ad to multiple locations. But there is a way around that. But the first step is to get a domain name. I encourage all to get a domain name so that they can mask their affilliate URL. This serves a couple of purposes:

1) It masks your affiliate URL. Yes you can get a shorturl or similar shortened url but those say to consumers, "you're hiding your URL". If you get a domain name with a catchy title it looks more professional ...
2) In advertising your affiliate URL people can see who you're promoting and go directly there instead of through your link causing you to lose the credit.

Here's a link to Godaddy's discounted domain names. You can get a domain here for $10 a year. Look for a catchy, memorable domain. Once you get your domain, make sure you select the free email that comes with it. Why? Because their free email has an option called CATCH ALL that you can select. Once you select the catch all mode you basically have access to an unlimited amount of email addresses? How? If you wanted to put a post in Nevada, when backpage asks you for an email you can use, nevada@yourdomain.com. If you wanted to post in New York, you can use the email, bigapple@yourdomain.com. And all these emails go to the one email you select.

So there you go. Using this method you can post UNLIMITED ads through out backpage.com

Why "Tickle Marketing"

The reason for tickle marketing is simple: We go where we want to go, and we're moved because something found a way to move us. That's the simple premise of tickle marketing. Reaching out, grabbing people, yelling at people and pushing people to tears can generate some sales. But we want them to also COME BACK. So tickle marketing is the method of getting the word out in a way that generates an honest desire to listen and a self-motivated desire to act ... and keep acting. What this blog will do is provide information for those promoting their business that can help then generate and keep generating new customers - and keep them as customers.

Thank You
Troy Remington